Pokhara, known as the most beautiful cities of Nepal has always been the top tourist destination. The magical city has continuously represented Nepal in international tour-ism community. Each Nepali and even foreigners are enthralled with the beauty it carries and therefore it becomes vital for the city to maintain its beauty standard.

However, as other cities of Nepal, Pokhara has also been having problems of street animals roaming around, barking at people and continuously creating chaos in the community. The unhealthy treatment towards street animals, continuous attack towards these innocent animals has created critical impact in rights of the animals.

Human being often tends to ignore the fact that animals are as sensitive as humans and behave according to the situation. People forget that when animal make noises or problems they might be starving or having health problems. Rather we tend to take it as a disturbance to the community and often try to regulate their lives with more harm.

Due to COVID-19, as each living creature is affected, Aatmoutsarga has started to feed street animals throughout nation. This time, we decided to feed street animals in Pokhara. Irrespective of low manpower and resources we tried to cover most parts of streets in Pokhara., Our active and enthusiastic team of Pokhara made it possible for us to conduct this program without any hurdles.

We would like to thank each and every members and supporters who made it possible to make this happen. This encourages us to keep doing better works in future.