On 6th of June 2020, popular actress Barsha Siwakoti joined a feeding campaign in Kathmandu City. The campaign was organized by AATMOUTSARGA organization to feed the starving street animals. The event started from Kaushaltar and the feeding was continued to different areas like Koteshwor, Baneshwor, Maitighar, Putalisadak, Teku and nearby places. Aatmoutsarga tried to cover as many nearby places as possible.

 Pic. Barsha Siwakoti feeding the street dogs

Pic: Aatmoutsarga members together with Actress Barsha Siwakoti

When I look into the eyes of an Animal, I do not see Animals, I see a living being, I see a friend, I see a soul – AD Williams.

COVID-19 has created a chaos all over the world and Nepal is not behind. The street animals are having a tough time sustaining in the streets without food and water. AATMOUTSARGA being an organization working for the welfare of animals stands in the frontline to make sure the animals are in good condition. And therefore, the program was organised to make sure the animals are well fed around Kathmandu City.

Actress Barsha Siwakoti was a special guest in this program and her presence to contribute to these street animals is very commendable. Her being in the campaign has encouraged Aatmoutsarga to work more on this field of serving street animals. "Kind souls, when join hands together, can create a greater impact in the society."

Aatmoutsarga is very much thankful to Actress Barsha Siwakoti for participating in the feeding campaign. We appreciate the encouragement and support for the Organization. Also, Aatmoutsarga would like to thank everyone who was able to participate and give us your valuable time in this campaign. This was only possible because of your dedication and hard work that this campaign was a great success.

Thank you everyone from AATMOUTSARGA.🙏